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Doctors Group

Meet we Doctors Group

FBTC’s Doctors Group

The FBTC Doctors Group was created in 2013 in order to foster exchange and collaboration among members To this end, an online forum was created for suggestions and discussion of ideas, which has since allowed us to count on the expertise of our PhD members regarding several topics of interest to our Federation.

The group's main focus is to jointly think of ways to expand scientific outreach within FBTC, improve its scientific practices and work towards bringing Cognitive and Contextual Therapies closer to research in related areas. Currently, the Doctors Group consists of an FBTC scientific committee, responsible for discussing scientific issues of interest to the Federation. Its activities consist of:

BJCT Editorial Team

Acting as a reviewer for the Brazilian Journal of Cognitive Therapies (BJCT), judging the quality of papers submitted by authors from all over Brazil for publication in the journal

Scientific Committees

Composing the CBTC Scientific Committee, as evaluator and session coordinator, and also as an evaluator for the Bernard Rangé Award

Research and Production Collaborations

Discussing, proposing ideas and supporting initiatives to foster research, education and scientific publication on Cognitive and Contextual Therapies in Brazil

ANPEPP Research Groups

Promoting and supporting the creation of Working Groups at ANPEPP to encourage CBT researchers to join representative organizations.


To join the Doctors Group

To join the Doctors Group

Participation is always welcome as the group is continuously open for new members who meet the criteria. So feel free to refer colleagues who meet the requirements, former students, etc. The main communication tool among the Doctors is an e-mail group, through which face-to-face meetings are organized at least once every CBTC edition. The Doctors Group can be reached at e-mail:

General Information (click here to access the document)